User Guide Building.

Initiating and Upgrading Construction

Constructing the necessary buildings for production and development in a owned region is vital, especially at the beginning of the game. Therefore, you should quickly construct and upgrade basic buildings such as Hydroelectric Power Plant, Iron Mine, Gold Mine, and Oil Refinery.

To initiate construction in a region, go to the Construction section and click on the Construction button that appears to the right of the building that meets the requirements.

In the construction area, all the buildings that you can construct in the game are listed. If you meet the requirements for constructing a building, the Construction button for that building becomes active.

The requirements for construction are as follows:

  • Iron, Gold, and Oil requirements
  • Buildings
  • Research

Buildings and Research show other buildings and research that may be required to initiate a construction. If there are other buildings and research listed that are necessary to construct a building, you should prioritize constructing them first.

Building Information

To get detailed information about a structure, you can click on the name of that structure, and a window will open with more detailed information about the structure.

Building Information Display
Detailed explanations about that building are presented on the information screen, as well as a production data table if the building is a production structure. At each level of the building, the amount of production and consumption is gradually displayed.

Starting Construction

Clicking on the Construction button to Build a building with the construction requirements, you will be presented with a window asking if you want to start this construction. If you want to continue, just press the Continue button.

Ongoing Construction

When you start a Construction, a button will appear on which you can see the status of the Construction process, on this button you can see the remaining time until the completion of the construction, also if you want to cancel the construction process, just press this button.

Warning: If you cancel an ongoing construction, only 70% of the mines spent on that construction will be returned to the region.